Releases with ports for two or more operating systems.
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- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
MAME Testers bugs fixed
- 03108: [Color/Palette] (konami/finalizr.cpp) finalizr: Colours are inaccurate and sound is incorrect. (hap)
- 04989: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (irem/travrusa.cpp) shtrider, shtridera: Changes to screen flipping setting are not applied. (hap)
- 05419: [Crash/Freeze] (universal/docastle.cpp) idsoccera, asoccer: Emulated games crash showing a black screen. (hap)
- 05695: [Crash/Freeze] (misc/coolpool.cpp) amerdart, amerdat2, amerdart3: Emulated game freezes after completion. (Peter Ferrie)
- 05737: [Sound] (sega/system1.cpp) choplift and clones: Sampled speech playback rate is too high. (hap)
- 05782: [Graphics] (sega/system1.cpp) choplift: Graphics show a horizontal discontinuity on levels 3 and 4. (hap)
- 06435: [Sound] (seibu/dynduke.cpp) dynduke: Some sound effects are missing. (hap)
- 06472: [Gameplay] (mr/sshot.cpp) sshot: The game runs at over twice the speed it should. (hap)
- 07071: [DIP/Input] (universal/docastle.cpp) docastle, docastle2: “Advance Level on Getting Diamond” settings reversed. (OzFalcon)
- 07520: [Sound] (orca/zodiack.cpp) dogfight: Sound effects play too fast. (hap)
- 07740: [Sound] (nichibutsu/cclimber.cpp) yamato: Sound effects and music play too fast. (hap)
- 07777: [Sound] (gameplan/enigma2.cpp) enigma2: Music between stages plays incorrectly. (hap)
- 07869: [Gameplay] (sega/system1.cpp) choplift: The game pauses while speech is playing. (hap)
- 08842: [Misc.] (irem/travrusa.cpp) travrusa: Selecting the palette PROM layout is irritating. (hap)
- 08897: [DIP/Input] (jaleco/homerun.cpp) dynashot: The game starts with one credit before any coins are inserted. (hap)
- 08943: [Crash/Freeze] (misc/quizpun2.cpp) quizpun2: The game fails to boot, only showing a black screen. (hap)
- 08946: [Misc.] (sega/stv.cpp) znpwfvt: The system description does not match the displayed title. (Vas Crabb)
- 08954: [Graphics] (sega/system1.cpp) pitfall2 and clones: The main title is not displayed. (hap)
- 08963: [Crash/Freeze] (taito/tsamurai.cpp) ringfgta: The game fails to boot. (hap)
- 08966: [Interface] UI: The software selection menu is sorted incorrectly for systems with multiple software lists. (Vas Crabb)
- 08968: [Media Support] (vtech/vtech1.cpp) vz300 and clones: The system freezes when attempting to read floppy disks. (AJR)
- 08970: [Timing] (irem/travrusa.cpp) shtrider: The countdown to the start of the race is too slow. (hap)
- 08971: [Debugger] (pacman/pacman.cpp) mspacman: The emulated game crashes when debugger memory windows are open. (hap)
- 08973: [Gameplay] (cvs/quasar.cpp) quasar: Enemies never fire shots. (hap)
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- Added a script for Raiden touch control. Ship automatically travels to the touch point and auto-fires when held, with a 2-finger tap to trigger bombs.
- Added a script for Vid Grid touch control. Drag and drop!
- Added a script for Towers II touch control. (with an option to uncap the framerate) In-game menu cursor is touch-driven, 2-finger tap exits the menu.
- Added a script for Myst touch control. Hold to drag the cursor, tap to activate.
- Added some scripting functionality to allow setting custom read/write handlers for non-RAM/ROM memory regions.
- The iOS port now prompts the user to determine their battery/heat versus performance preference on first run. (since we can't just be energy-efficient without the iOS scheduler punishing us, and I'm not having any luck getting anyone to read the FAQ/user manual)
- The iOS port now has a separate "Connected Idle Time" setting, which defaults to 3.0 and is used instead of "Overlay Idle Time" when at least one external device is connected. (workaround for the same FAQ/user manual problem above)
- Added lots of random new scripting functionality.
- Fixed game thumbnails rendering at the incorrect scale in portrait mode.
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
* Fix built-in configs with non-default CPUs
* Fix direct loading of DragonDOS binaries
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- Category: Multiple Platform
Nesmancer is a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator written in C++ for Windows and Linux.
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- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
* Fix GIME issue when loading from snapshot
* Fix becker port status polling [Pierre Sarrazin]
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- Title bar colour matches the menu bar colour on Windows 11.
- Emulated RAM is cleared upon a hard reset.
- Audio 'ladder effect' is emulated.
- Broken splash screens in the 'Gametap Pro Gamer 6' ROM-hack are fixed.
- Support for the 'KDEBUG' debug message API has been added.
- Motorola 68000 instructions have accurate durations.
- Preliminary native multi-window support has been implemented. Due to defects, it is disabled by default.
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
Release notes
save states made before version 0.3.0 will not work
Added features
Gamepad selection in input settings
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- Added cartridge mapper
- FA2
- eg. Star Castle
- non-volatile RAM for this cartridge type stored in the nv_ram of the configuration direcotry
- BF
- eg. The Realm of Riesig
- Supercharger
- Running a Supercharger game loaded from an audio file resulted in performance drop, even when the tape had stopped loading
- Performance is now equal as when loading from a fastload binary file
- Disassembly
- Disassembly is now completed in the background, leading to quicker loadtimes, particularly for very large cartridges
- Television / CRT Effects
- Blur shader is now applied more evenly
- this is most noticeable with high bloom values but produces better results generally
- Disabling the ghosting effect would cause the image to flip
- More efficient clearing of GL frame buffers
- small but significant performance improvement
- Regression testing
- Playback scripts can now be re-recorded automatically
- REDUX command now works with all regression test types
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
nv2a: Check supported line width
* Added logic to check for the supported line width range before setting the line width to avoid errors.
I also moved the glLineWidth call so that it could be after the call to get the supported line width range for the desired line type.
* Moved the glLineWidth call outside the if/else
* Moved the code to query line GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE and GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE to nv2a_gl_context_init(void) so that it's just called while OpenGL is being initialized.
* Removed the lineWidth local variable. It's simpler to just call glLineWidth in the if and else blocks
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
* Reduce memory use when reading gamepad mappings file
* Include missing files in tarball distribution [Rui Chen]
* Avoid calling xroar_screenshot() when not supported [with Paul Ripke]
* Avoid X11 keyboard init when SDL not build with X11 support [Paul Ripke]
* SDL joystick module supports hotplug where possible
* SDL joystick module creates Left & Right stick profiles if found
* Support reading a SDL gamepad DB file for non-SDL joystick modules
* New -joy-db-file option specifies SDL-compatible gamepad DB file
* New Linux evdev joystick module (hotplug, internal SDL DB, L/R profiles)
* Large changes to underlying UI mechanisms
* New features backported to GTK+ 2 UI
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
These are emulators that are updated several times a day to a couple times a week.
Many of these emulators can be updated to the lastest "nightly builds" from within the emulator itself.
I'm posting the latest versions every Monday or Tuesday for those who may be interested.
Multiple System Emulator - FinalBurn Neo Nightly 11-19-24
Multiple System Emulator - Mesen Nightly 11-19-24
Nintendo 3DS Emulator - Panda3DS 11-19-24
PlayStation 2 Emulator - PCSX2 Nightly v2.3.19
PlayStation Emulator - PCSX-Redux Nightly 11-19-24
PlayStation Vita Emulator - Vita3K Nightly 11-19-24
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- Tandy 10 emulation.
- Stop quadratic slowdown as printer output grows.
- Hardware serial port access on linux and mac via -r /dev/tty/USB0 or such.
- Becker port support for CoCo; -bck host:port or Serial → Becker menu.
- 68000 debugger for Model 16/6000 was always single stepping.
- MC-10 PEEK(2) quick keyboard check working; helps many Jim Gerrie games.
- Correct Model 3 and 4 memory mapped printer port to be read-only.
- Control of delay before cassette auto-save via -csd or Cassette → Save menu.
- Cassette now starts if inserted while CLOAD or SYSTEM in progress.
- Show .wav files in cassette open dialog by default if supported.
- Less awkward breakpoint GUI with a single window and addr1:addr2 for ranges.
- Printing on LDOS no longer reboots; emulator ignored printer interrupt disable.
- Model 2 hard-drive TRSDOS booting again. Oddly, same bug as LDOS printing.
- Replaced patched TRSDOS with proper Japanese TRSDOS.
- Allow Model 2/12/16/6000 access to Orchestra 90. Theoretically possible.
- Real Time Clock for Xenix enabled by default and now controlled by -rtc16 -rtc16x.
- CoCo cassette relay sound effects.
- CoCo Program Pak autostart control via menu or turned off by -pakq file.ccc.
- Printer window auto scrolls to bottom again on output.
- DT-1 half intensity display mode implemented.
- Event stream (-event endpoint) allowing external programs to blink LEDs, etc.
- Minor .wav output correction as .wav files should be an even number of bytes.
- CoCo FDC timing adjusted to hit 300 RPM precisely.
- FreHD emulation supports DSK/DCT LDOS driver to mount read-only disk images.