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What's New:

        • Fixed some regressions due to the migration to Java 11+ where keyboard shortcuts didn't work as expected anymore in the favourite pane:
          • F2 and Shift+F2 didn't always enter into edition mode or didn't jump and cycle through cells.
          • Escape didn't just exit from edition mode but also closed the entire Favourites pane at once. Now, it's back to a 2-step process.
        • Fixed a regression where a new favourite entry didn't get the focus for direct name editing.
        • Fixed the bug where Negatron couldn't manage machines with cartridge slots that can also work as expansion slots e.g. SNES, C64 and a bunch of emulated computers.
        • Fixed minor bugs that users can trigger after clicking on the Help button to consult Negatron's readme file.
        • Fixed a potential graphical bug where status bars could overlap in the notification popup while Negatron was refreshing its cache.
        • Fixed misc. minor bugs that can be triggered when Negatron is doing heavy processing or when hard disks are very slow from heavy sollicitations, leading to errors about unavailable data.
        • Fixed the graphical bugs that could be triggered when switching back and forth between the tree and table viewing types on a software list containing software incompatible with the currently selected emulated machine.
        • Fixed a multithreading machine info loading bug triggered when drilling through e.g. the C64 software list and one of its software part list, then closing the software list pane to return to the machine list: both the software list pane and the software part list pane prompted Negatron to check the C64 machine configuration at the same time, leading to an invalid '-lmx -lmx' call to MAME.
      • Fixed all the little annoying bugs while trying to edit favourites by completely reworking the mouse and keyboard inputs handling to enter into or exit from edit mode in the favourite pane.
      • Fixed a bug in the filter pane while clicking on the button 'Set as Selection' of the 'Rom & CHD Status category': selections with a bad status were considered as being in the missing status. Also made numerous technical streamlining by using the latest Java language features.
      • Fixed a bug where selected favourites within folders from the last session didn't show up as selected again upon Negatron restart.
      • Fixed potential bugs while editing favourites by selecting them with the middle button of the mouse.
      • Fixed a bug where the last selected item couldn't be properly reloaded as-is upon Negatron restart, especially when the user changed some ram/bios/device configurations on this selected machine before closing Negatron.
      • Fixed the bug where packaged versions of Negatron couldn't find resource files. Now, Linux rpm/deb packages also do build and work.
      • Tweaked the table row rendering of software list items not compatible with the selected emulated machine so that this non-compatibility is more obvious.
      • Updated the device icon management of the machine configuration panel to support all the device types handled by MAME 0.271.
      • Updated the manual and the readme files.
      • Improved the management of MAME warnings/errors: warnings are not displayed as disrupting popups anymore, they are now logged in a logging pane accessible through a new menu appearing from the arrow at the right of the MAME launch button.
      • Improved the display of the favourites when Negatron starts up directly on a favourite selection by putting the focus directly on the favourite list instead of letting it on the machine list in the background.
      • Improved MAME EXTRAs fields editing in the Global Configuration pane: when the user wants to blank the MAME EXTRAs root, Negatron now removes all the useless dependent fields instead of letting them display the default invalid path + misc. field editing bug fixes.
      • Removed the useless dependency to the object SystemManager while managing thread pooling. SystemManager has been deprecated in Java 17.
      • Added an automatic scrolling to any new favourite entries to avoid the issue where they could be outside of the visual range because the favourite list was longer than what the favourite pane could display, letting users wonder what was happening.
      • Added a meaningful title to the advanced parametrisation dialogbox and added a button to easily complete the command line with parameters to initiate video capture.
      • Added the support of command.dat in a very basic fashion.
      • Added the support of history.xml as doesn't provide the .dat version anymore.
      • Added helpful automated behaviours:
        • When the selection of the last session was a software, the software list gets the focus upon Negatron restart, not the machine list,
        • When clicking on a List button to show the software list and if the textbox next the List button contains a valid software name, the list now always automatically selects this software.
      • Made Negatron accept MESS and older versions of HBMAME.
      • Made the main window statusbar behave like the titlebar with double-clicking to maximise Negatron's main window and dragging to move the window around, useful mouse interactions when Negatron is used on a laptop with a small screen.
      • Made the new logging pane to actually show up when MAME reports some errors.