QMC2 (Source)

QMC2 today is a stable, feature-rich and fast multi-platform GUI front end for M.A.M.E. (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator). It's known to work on any modern Linux distribution, most UNIX derivatives such as OpenSolaris or FreeBSD, on Mac OS X and Windows (XP, Vista and above).
This is the source file. Repositories and/or binary packages for Fedora, Arch, Slackware, Gentoo, FreeBSD, openSUSE, and Ubuntu can be found here.
* Extremely fast drawing of game/machine images, optionally smoothly scaled (PNG images, buffered in a resizable LRU-cache)
* Support for game/machine icons — historically only PNG images, but when stored in ZIPs, nowadays also ICO format is supported
* Icons and all game/machine images can either be stored as individual files in respective directories or they can be combined and compressed in ZIP archives
* Easily extensible template-based emulator configuration scheme (defined through an external XML file)
* Cool editor for configuration of global and game/machine-specific emulator options, including a search function
* Support for all emulation-related extra information available through the emulator (displayed in a tree)
* Fast search function with automatic wildcard pattern matching
* All emulator targets: selectable sort criteria and order for game/machine lists (description, name/ID, ROM state, year, manufacturer and ROM types)
* Straightforward process management to control emulator processes
* Clear and full logging (separate front end and emulator logs)
* Verification of sample sets
* Game/machine image checks (icons, previews & flyers)
* Online display of current game/machine list and search result statistics
* All emulator targets: two different views of the game/machine list: full detail and parent/clone hierarchy
* Optional additional category-oriented (MAME/MESS/UME) and version-oriented (MAME/UME) views when catver.ini and/or MESS category.ini support is enabled
* The GUI will always remain interactive even if heavy background processing is running
* Time-consuming background tasks can be stopped on demand at (nearly) any time
* Optional auto-save/restore of window layout and game/machine selection
* Multi-platform support (Linux/UNIX, Mac OS X and Windows)
* Fully multi-language capable — right now, translations exist (or are being worked on) for English (us), French (fr), German (de), Greek (el), Italian (it), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), * Romanian (ro), Spanish (es) and Swedish (sv)
* Game/machine favorites management and play-history
* Online HTML documentation and browser
* Designed to be used for multiple emulators: SDLMAME/SDLMESS/SDLUME on UNIX and Mac OS X, MAME/MESS/UME on Windows — plus support for additional foreign emulators on all platforms
* Built-in support for GUI styles and Qt style sheets (.qss)
* Automatic caching of analysed game/machine data to speed up processing
* Import & export of emulator configuration files (i. e. mame.ini/mess.ini)
* All short cuts and GUI control keys can be remapped
* Removal of obsolete samples and image files (stored in directories or ZIP archives)
* Automatic caching of XML output from the emulator
* Built-in ROMAlyzer to deeply analyze a game’s/machine’s ROMs (including repair- and rewrite-functionality for zipped sets) and CHDs — inspired by Carsten Engel’s ROMAlyzer script (see scripts/romalyzer.pl in source distribution)
* Optional use of OpenGL features (currently only for image painting)
* Support for direct GUI control via analog and digital joysticks through SDL (Simple Directmedia Layer)
* Detailed game/machine information from MAME’s history.dat game information database and MESS’ sysinfo.dat machine information database (the UME variant goes the MAME route here)
* Basically the same for mameinfo.dat as MAME’s emulator information database and messinfo.dat in case of MESS (again, the UME variant acts like the MAME variant here)
* Support for output notifications via a named pipe on UNIX and Mac OS X (see emulator control panel)
* Built-in audio- and (YouTube-)video-players based on the Phonon API
* ROM status export to clipboard or file as ASCII, CSV or HTML
* Integrated MESS device configuration with support for mapping of files to device instances & machine slots, as well as an easy-to-use file chooser for simple file-to-device mapping
* All (SDL)MAME, (SDL)MESS and (SDL)UME variants of QMC2 supported on the respective target platform can launch each other
* Freely adjust the order and visibility of available game/machine details
* MAWS web lookup for all MAME variants, including automatic caching of all successfully loaded MAWS ROM set pages
* MAWS quick download: when visiting a game’s MAWS page, automatically download available image data usable by QMC2
* ProjectMESS system search for all MESS & UME variants
* X11 and Windows platforms: optional / on-demand embedding of emulator windows
* Freely adjustable layout of the main widget’s major sub-widgets
* MAME/UME targets only: demo mode to run random games for a specific period of time (in a mode suitable for demo purposes)
* Support for software-lists, including favorites management, search feature and sneak previews in-game/run-time snap-shots, plus an extra software-detail widget with a scaling preview image, a ProjectMESS software look-up and a WYSIWIG editor for personal rich-text notes
* Dock-able/floating software-detail widget with a separate snapshot-browser, a ProjectMESS software-lookup feature, and an HTML editor/viewer for personal rich-text software-notes
* Item tagging and related ‘batch-mode’ operations
* A QML based standalone graphical arcade mode binary (QMC2 Arcade) which utilizes the cached data of its bigger brothers to quickly display and launch emulators and get you “straight into the games” :)