GB/GBC Emulator - John GBC v4.11 - Released
- Details
- Category: Android
What's New:
- optimized for Android14 (Notification icon does not appear on Android14)
- enabled multi- window mode
- changed and optimized UI
- changed default layout
- fixed many layout bugs
- fixed many ANR and crash bugs
Multiple Emulator Frontend - GameEx Arcade Edition Multiplatform v1.14 Alpha - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
Multiple Emulator Frontend - GameEx Multiplatform v1.14 Alpha - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
BK Emulator v3.13.2402.10648 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
Google Translate:
- Improved control over the command step with bypass, stopping correctly if the return address has changed.
For example:
.ASCIZ "Message"
The stop will occur on the NOP command after the .EVEN pseudo-command
- Clarification of documentation
- Minstrel emulation clarification
- Fixing XOR command emulation bug
Multiple Frontend - RetroHub v1.0.1 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
New features
- Added support for RetroAchievements.
- Created integrations API for easier integration of third-party services.
- Windowed/fullscreen mode and V-Sync settings are now respected during app initialization.
- Increased ScreenScraper request timeout from 10 to 30 seconds.
- Internal engine upgrade from 4.2-dev to 4.2.1-stable.
- Fix app constantly saving settings despite no changes being done.
- Credit side panel icons.
- Prevent any controller input in the app when an emulator is launched directly from the settings panel.
- Fix virtual keyboard not properly resizing when the app is launched in fullscreen.
- Fix macOS build which had missing library dependencies which were not being bundled on exporting.
Default Theme
New features
- Support for displaying RetroAchievements.
- Bugfixes
- Fix crash on systems where video playback is not working natively.
Game Boy Advance Emulator - Pizza Boy GBA Basic v1.11.4 - Released
- Details
- Category: Android
What's New:
- Fixed audio again
Game Boy Advance Emulator - Pizza Boy GBA Pro v2.8.10 - Released
- Details
- Category: Android
What's New:
- Further fix for Oboe library (yes, again)
Sega Genesis Emulator - clownmdemu v0.6 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- Fixed many inaccuracies, benefiting numerous games:
* Contra: Hard Corps
* Castlevania Bloodlines
* Thunder Force IV
* Mega Man: The Wily Wars
* The Adventures of Batman & Robin
* Battletoads
* Road Rash, Road Rash II, Road Rash III
* Skitchin'
* The Immortal
* Jungle Strike
* Marble Madness
- Added two sprite debuggers.
- Configuration files are now saved to a standard per-user directory ('AppData' on Windows and '.local/share' on Linux).
- Text output of the disassembler and the debug log can be selected and copied elsewhere.
Multiple System Emulator - ares v136 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
Border/Overscan overhaul
- When ares was initially designed, it was geared primarily towards SNES emulation, and as such the "Overscan" option in video settings behaved like the overscan feature of the SNES: showing or hiding the lower 16 lines of display. This behavior is not how most end users expect overscan to function.
- For ares v136, we have overhauled how borders and overscan is handled across all cores in ares.
- The overscan option has been reworked to show or hide all non-desirable edges of the screen (in most cases this is blank borders, but it can include areas that commonly just contain garbage pixels).
- Additionally, we have updated most of the emulator cores in ares to have hardware accurate border and aspect ratio when overscan is visible: this also includes PAL, so PAL games are finally rendered at the correct aspect ratio to real hardware when 'aspect ratio correction' is enabled.
NOTE: The border regions for All TMS9918 VDP based consoles are thought to be be correct, as are Master System, Mega Drive, and NES, while SNES and PC-Engine are (educated) estimates. Hiding the overscan area is not yet implemented for Atari 2600, PC-Engine, Nintendo 64 or PlayStation as more hardware verification is required.
Cheat Support
- A popular request: ares finally has support for cheat codes, as well as a cheat editor. You can access the cheat editor by going to Tools -> Cheats while a game is loaded.
- Cheats are currently implemented for all cores, except for Nintendo 64 and PlayStation: support for these requires larger changes to ares that did not make the cut for this release.
- The cheat code format is a simple patch code format XXXXXXXX:YY where X is an address, and Y is the data to write; most emulators support this format so it shouldn't be difficult to port cheats between them.
- It is possible to chain multiple codes into a single cheat entry by separating the codes with a + symbol; this is useful if a single cheat requires multiple code to work.
- Cheats are saved in a cheat database file alongside the rom: for example, Game.sfc will create a cheat file titled Game.cheats.bml.
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance
- Implement prefetch buffer reset on ROM accesses from the CPU.
- Implement that timer 0 count-up bit cannot be set.
Nintendo - Super Famicom / SNES
- Fix an issue where the Super Gameboy 2 was running at the incorrect clock frequency.
Nintendo - Nintendo 64
- Implement newly discovered PI DMA behavior when crossing RDRAM row boundaries.
- Fix a corner face in FPU exception handling
Sega - Mega Drive/Genesis, Mega CD, 32x
- Add the Mega CD's PC RAM to the debugger memory viewer.
- Implement subchannel processing for Mega CD (Allows the playback of CD+G/karaoke discs provided a valid .sub file is provided)
Sony - PlayStation
- Improvements to the handling of the GPUSTAT register.
- Switched back to wglSwapInterval for VSync on OpenGL for Windows; the DwmFlush approach caused worse tearing for most users.
- Fixed an issue where the SDL input driver considered all controllers to be the same device.
- Fixed an issue where rumble events could be missed causing rumble issues in many games.
- Improved VSync stability with the DirectX video driver.
FM Towns Marty Emulator - Tsugaru v20240223 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- The high-fidelity mode supports Windows 95.
- Memory-size greater than 32MB and FPU recommended.
- High-Resolution PCM support.
Android Emulator - MuMu Player v3.8.3 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
New functions
- Added the function of custom macro key
- Added the option of using system cursor in the Settings
Experience optimization
- Optimized the experience of Keyboard and mouse operation
Compatibility and fix
- Optimized the gaming experience of Roblox, Dragonheir: Silent Gods, etc.
HP Calculator Emulator - Plus42 (Mac) v1.1.4b - Released
- Details
- Category: Mac
What's New:
- Resizable main window.
- Command-D shortcut for Clear Print-Out.
Datafile for HBMAME v0.245.17 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
Updated to newest Release
HP Calculator Emulator - Free42 (Mac) v3.1.4c - Released
- Details
- Category: Mac
What's New:
- Resizable main window.
- Command-D shortcut for Clear Print-Out.
x86 Emulator - 86Box v4.1 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- Port DECchip 21143 "Tulip" NIC emulation from QEMU
- net_tulip.c: Copyright header
- net_eeprom_nmc93cxx.c: Proper logging
- Port Realtek RTL8139C+ emulation from QEMU
- Add DECchip 24110 NIC emulation
- Fix 4.1 build issues and do some linting
- Add OPL4-ML daughterboard emulation
- Add Dell Dimension XPS Pxxx (OEM version of Intel Premiere PCI/II)
- Add Micronics Thunderbolt (PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Rel 6.0 for 430TX)
- Add Gateway 2000 OEM Version of Intel VS440FX
- Fixes and GHA for SDL UI
- net_pcap: use standard unsigned type names
- S3 fixes:
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