FB Alpha Shuffle (64bit)

FB Alpha Shuffle (64bit)
FB Alpha Shuffle (64bit)
File Size:
6.01 MB
2.4.0 (250226)
26 February 2025
685 x

FB Alpha shuffle is an unofficial variant of FB Alpha with a few different features.


* added AVI recorder.
* added support translated game name list in game selection dialog.
* you can import game names from mamep.lst while exporting gamelist. (put mamep.lst under fbas.exe or config dir)
* added IPS v4 support from MAMEPlus!.
* added select background image and select random image functions.
* added set misc paths and improved UI for game selection dialog.
* added save preset and save default input mapping, file is saved in config/presets.
* added some custom images in .res folder, you can replace these images with what you like.
* added display score, select, gameover, boss snapshot to game selection dialog. (http://www.progettosnaps.net/)
* added support archived preview image (zip or 7z). (name it: snap, titles, flyers, score, select, boss, gameover. ext = zip/7z).
* added load cheat from archive file (name it: cheat.zip/7z), also added cheat select/reload.
* added filters in game selection dialog. (it also can filter the custom translated game names) (type "lamer" in the filter and it will show unavailable/missing sets) you can edit "user-filter" value in fbas.xml to define your filter string, separate with semicolon.
* added save favorite games (the file is in config/favorites.xml).
* added "Undo" for input recordings, "Rewind" for input recording playback.
* added adjustable emulation speeds (shift + +/-) and frame counter display.
* added 7-Zip support. (http://www.7-zip.org/)
* added XAudio2 sound output. (need install new DirectX runtime/SDK)
* added OpenAL sound output.
* added OpenGL, GDI, Direct2D video output.
* added select audio device and select display adapter.
* added autofire support, you can set the autofire delay value in input mapping dialog. (autofire only affects normal buttons, doesn't support direction buttons)
* added custom button feature. (Map Game Inputs ==> Custom buttons)
* added configurable hotkeys.
* added "reverse stereo channels" option and more dsp.
* added rewind support. (you can change parameters in fbas.xml)
* changed the emulator will not depend on kailleraclient.dll. You can put kailleraclient.dll in the same directory as the emulator if you want to netplay.
* changed all romsets to match MAME Plus!.
* removed many rarely-used features from official FBA.

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