Swan (Source)
Swan (Source)
Swan (Source)
File Size:
268.91 kB
25 January 2025
80 x
Swan is ZX Spectrum 48 emulator.
Only Spectrum 48k is emulated. During developing, the focus has been on achieving accurate emulation of the most popular model. Later models might be emulated in future, but it is not a priority.
- In Windows, you can put the portaudio dll in the same folder where Swan.exe is. You can find prebuild dll for example here: https://github.com/spatialaudio/portaudio-binaries Important: You have to choose the correct bitness (32-bit or 64-bit -- must be the same bitness as swan.exe)!
- In Linux, install libportaudio from your Linux distro's repository.
How to compile (Windows and Linux):
- Install Lazarus IDE (https://www.lazarus-ide.org/)
- Download BGRABitmap graphic library and open the package bgrabitmappack.lpk in Lazarus:
- Download BGRABitmap (https://github.com/bgrabitmap/bgrabitmap/)
- Start Lazarus and in main menu choose Package->Open Package File (.lpk) ..., then go to folder where you downloaded BGRABitmap and choose bgrabitmap/bgrabitmappack.lpk and open it. After once opened, you can close the bgrabitmappack package, as now Lazarus knows where to find the files from this package.
- Open swan project in Lazarus and build the project:
- In main menu choose Project->Open Project ..., then open Swan.lpi.
- Choose the build mode:
- in main menu go to Project->Project Options..., then in the left side of the dialog choose Compiler Options. Then, on the right side of the dialog you can choose the Build mode (see more about predefined build modes below, normally just choose Release)
- In main menu go to Run->Build
The executable file swan (swan.exe on Windows) will appear in folder output/platform-bitness-buildmode/ (eg. output/x86_64-win64-Release/swan.exe)
Predefined build modes in swan project:
- Release - compile for your current platform (Windows or Linux)
- ReleaseWin64 - choose this on Windows if you have 32-bit Lazarus and want to compile for 64-bit Windows
- ReleaseQt - choose this if you want to compile Swan as Qt5 application on Linux in Gtk2 build of Lazarus. Keep in mind that Qt5 build needs libqt5pas library installed (see https://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Qt5_Interface#libqt5pas).
- Debug - this mode is not for building releases, it is used during development only, for debugging.
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