Weekly Updates 02-20-24
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
These are emulators that are updated several times a day to a couple times a week.
Many of these emulators can be updated to the lastest "nightly builds" from within the emulator itself.
I'm posting the latest versions every Monday or Tuesday for those who may be interested.
Nintendo 3DS Emulator - Citra Nightly-2098
Multiple System Emulator - FinalBurn Neo Nightly 02-20-24
PlayStation 2 Emulator - PCSX2 Nightly v1.7.5571
PlayStation Emulator - PCSX-Redux Nightly 02-19-24
Sega DreamCast Emulator - Redream v1.5.0-1103-gcda99f5
Nintendo Switch Emulator - Ryujinx v1.1.1204
PlayStation Vita Emulator - Vita3K Nightly 02-18-24
Xbox 360 Emulator - Xenia (Canary) 02-19-24
Nintendo Switch Emulator - Yuzu v1721
Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator - Nintendulator v0.985 Beta - Updated
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
Multiple Emulator Frontend - EmulationStation Desktop Edition (Android) v3.0.0 - Released
- Details
- Category: Android
What's New:
ES-DE is now available on Android! This is a paid (but cheap) app that you can buy on the Amazon Appstore.
Amiga Emulator - WinUAE v5.2.0 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- MacroSystem DraCo emulation. Full emulation except V-Lab Motion video board which is totally undocumented. Amiga clone without Amiga custom chips.
- Picmatic Marbella Vice light gun laser disc arcade game is now fully working.
- American Laser Games and PicMatic statefile support.
- Genlock emulation display positioning/scaling updates.
- Retina Z2 and Z3/Altais RTG board emulation. (NCR 77C22E+ and 77C32BLT SVGA chips)
- S3 Trio64 PCI RTG board.
- On screen led font is now configurable, settings in GUI Miscellaneous panel.
- A2410 updates (Latest Picasso96 driver with DMA mode enabled graphics corruption)
- All emulated RTG boards now autoswitch (Automatic switch between chipset mode and RTG mode). Previously only RTG boards that have built-in switcher and PCI RTG boards autoswitched.
- Do not emulate special cases in native chipset screen mode last and first line(s) unless Overscan mode is Overscan+ or higher. (For example OCS Denise top and bottom line mismatched blanking start and end)
- NTSC mode screen vertical positioning improved.
- Disk swapper insert/remove cursor position now works as expected. Same image can be inserted in multiple slots.
MAME4droid 2024 v(0.262) 1.9.6 - Released
- Details
- Category: Android
What's New:
- MAME UI now is touch enabled.
- Added media scraping thanks to Arcade Database by motoschifo.
- Added MAME meta data resources thanks to Arcade History, MAME info and progetto-SNAPS
- Custom build for sideload on MetaQuest devices. This is not use OCULUS SDK, it is just a 2D app tuned for Meta Quest devices. You need to pair a bluetooth controller to play.
PC-8801 Computer Emulator - QUASI88 v0.7.0 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
Google Translate:
- Compatible with SDL2.
* Environments other than SDL2 are not supported.
- Changed key assignments
* Due to changes in key processing in response to SDL2, some key assignments have been changed. Basically, the left Alt key is "GRPH" and the right Alt key is "Kana".
- The rhythm sound file "ym2608_adpcm_rom.bin" is required to read the rhythm sound of the MAME sound driver from an external file . If there is no file, no rhythm sound will be played.
- Create a new icon
- Unify file character encoding to UTF-8
- Fixed to compile properly with clang and gcc
Game Boy Advance Emulator - NanoBoyAdvance v1.8.0 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- UI: implement "Sharp" video filter for better nearest interpolation at non-integer scales (thanks GranMinigun)
- UI: implemented PPU viewers for palettes, tiles, backgrounds and sprites
- UI: add an option to set the audio volume
- UI: do not unpause emulator after loading a new ROM
- Input: fix input dropping regression introduced in NBA 1.7.1
- Input: move from SDL game controller to SDL joystick API (fixes broken mapping on some controllers)
- APU: MP2K HLE: interpolate envelopes and use floating-point math
- APU: MP2K HLE: implement a better reverb algorithm
- APU: MP2K HLE: add an option to force-enable reverb
- APU: remove "Zombie" mode emulation (does not appear to exist on GBA)
- APU: fix mid-note envelope frequency changes
- APU: FIFO writes should happen in place
- APU: reset FIFOs on overflow
- APU: add master-enable checks for 16-bit/32-bit IO writes
- PPU: fix sprite pixels from previous scanline displayed in the last scanline
- PPU: more accurate update of attribute buffer for OBJWIN sprites (fixes #275)
- PPU: more accurate emulation of horizontal and vertical sprite mosaic (fixes #322)
- PPU: more accurate handling of mid-frame vertical mosaic reconfiguration
- PPU: fix out-of-bounds bitmap fetches in Mode 3 to 5
- DMA: fix incorrect mapping of DMA channel to APU FIFO
- Timer: somewhat handle timer overflow during one cycle enable delay (thanks alyosha)
- Game Pak: simulate ~6 ms EEPROM device busy period after write (not yet accurate to cartridges that e.g. have been in the freezer for 30 minutes)
- Game Pak: emulate the Mask ROM internal address register
- Audio: fix clicking artifacts when using Sinc resampling
- Audio: fix incorrect liner interpolation in Cosine resampling
- PlatformCore: fixed hang when fast-forwarding while the emulator is paused
- Misc: implemented support for unicode paths
MS-DOS Player v2/19/2024 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
Google Translate:
- When using strcpy_s(), when a string longer than the specified buffer length is specified as the copy source, exception 0xc0000417 may occur.
- For INT 67h, AX=5B00h/5B01h/5B04h, an error is now returned when a value other than 00h is specified for BH.
- Added support for MDA (Monochrome Display Adopter).
- Instead, the conventional memory limit has gone from B8000h to B0000h, a decrease of 32KB. (Still, it is 64KB larger than the normal environment due to the lack of VGA VRAM.) I also made the CRTC and Status Register accessible using the MDA address, and set the synchronization signal to 50Hz.
Multiple Emulator Frontend - GameEx Arcade Edition v18.59 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- Updated to latest .net 6 desktop runtime but still the only regularly updated front end tthat supports Windows XP too other than RetroArch.>
- Removed a little fat from the GameEx executables.
- Forgot to mention in the previous releaase but the TMDB API is working again and the Movie database within GameEx now supports your online streamed videos. It should build up quite nicely now.
- If you receive false positives with Windows Defender, I have resolved this with Microsoft and you just need to update to the latest Windows Defender definitions.
Multiple Emulator Frontend - GameEx v18.59 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- Updated to latest .net 6 desktop runtime but still the only regularly updated front end tthat supports Windows XP too other than RetroArch.>
- Removed a little fat from the GameEx executables.
- Forgot to mention in the previous releaase but the TMDB API is working again and the Movie database within GameEx now supports your online streamed videos. It should build up quite nicely now.
- If you receive false positives with Windows Defender, I have resolved this with Microsoft and you just need to update to the latest Windows Defender definitions.
Multiple Emulator Frontend - EmulationStation Desktop Edition v3.0.0 - Released
- Details
- Category: Multiple Platform
What's New:
- Renamed the application from EmulationStation Desktop Edition to ES-DE
- Renamed the application data directory from .emulationstation to ES-DE
- Updated the splash screen to reflect the new application name
- Added a new default theme named "Linear"
- Split the es_find_rules.xml and es_systems.xml files for Linux and BSD Unix into separate directories
- Added support for defining font sizes from the theme configuration and selecting these from the UI settings menu
- Added the theme font sizes count to the theme downloader interface
- Added support for medium and large font sizes to the Slate and Modern themes
- Added an option to the Input device settings menu to swap the A/B and X/Y buttons
- Added support for .webp, .svg and unanimated .gif files to the slideshow screensaver when using a custom image directory
- Changed the default slideshow custom image directory from slideshow/custom_images to screensavers/custom_slideshow
- Changed the custom slideshow image directory setting from ScreensaverSlideshowImageDir to ScreensaverSlideshowCustomDir
- The HTTP error code will now be shown on scraper errors instead of the "File is smaller than 350 bytes" message
- Removed the ScraperHaltOnInvalidMedia option and corresponding menu entry as it has been superseded by the HTTP error code logic
Read more: Multiple Emulator Frontend - EmulationStation Desktop Edition v3.0.0 - Released
SDLMAME for Ubuntu v0.262 - Released
- Details
- Category: Linux
What's New:
Updated to latest MAME source.
Game Boy Advance Emulator - Pizza Boy GBA Basic v1.11.3 - Released
- Details
- Category: Android
What's New:
- Rewritten audio module.
- Fixed bug loading stats
- Fixed cheats entering with funky addresses
- Fixed audio corner cases
(MESS) Messinfo.dat v0.262 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- academy: Changed description to 'Mephisto Academy (English, 04-10-88)'. Bookrom has identical halves [hap].
- agvision.cpp: Allow MC6847 device to configure screen timing [Tim Lindner].
- amiga.cpp: Get rid of logic setups in screen_update [Angelo Salese].
- amstrad.cpp: Remove \xC2 and \xC3 from input defs [hap].
- apple2e.cpp: Support standard boot speed with Zip Chip [Peter Ferrie].
- aquarius.cpp: Support pasting Arabic text for aquarius_ar in Arabic mode. Filled in three remaining Arabic key labels. Fixed up most Arabic keyboard labels [Vas Crabb].
- cc1: Remove timer_device [hap].
- cc2150: Changed manufacturer to 'Tandy Corporation / Saitek'.
- ch376: Use multibyte.h helpers [AJR].
- chesstrvi: Add svg screen for lcd [hap].
- const: Improve contrast for button panel [hap].
- cp2000: Improve contrast for button panel. Artwork: Brown theme, mephiso europa artwork: add coords to board squares [hap].
- csc: Update pia0 ca1/cb1 before writing to pia0, elite,eag68k: remove m_rotate variable [hap].
- cscet: Changed description to 'Elite Champion Challenger (WMCCC 1981 Travem�nde TM)'.
- dallas32: Changed description to 'Mephisto Dallas 68020 (set 1)'.
- damesc: Update checkers pieces [hap].
- dp83932c: Use multibyte.h helpers [AJR]. Fix receive overflow logic [Patrick Mackinlay].
- easy_karaoke.cpp: This system used a (now long defunct) download service rather than cartridges for adding songs. Current dump does not appear to contain any downloaded songs. Also listed built-in songs in comments [David Haywood].
- easykara: Changed manufacturer to 'IVL Technologies (Easy Karaoke license)'.
- epic14e: Connect DIP switches properly; add speaker sound [AJR].
- exp85.cpp: Implemented ROM mirroring and fixed interrupt management [Federico Milano].
- fc100.cpp: Denote clearly missing MCU dump [Angelo Salese].
- felega: Update rom labels, psr260: underclock cpu for now, and get rid of lcd set_busy_factor [hap].
- filter_volume: Rename flt_volume_set_volume to set_gain, add getter for gain, wildfire: refactor speaker decay code [hap].
- fingbowl: Some of the strings relied on font black edges [hap].
- fpres: Changed description to 'Prestige Challenger (original program, set 1)'.
- galeb: Add unicode keys [Miodrag Milanovic].
- h89.cpp: Implemented single-step functionality. Added DIP switch settings for Ultimeth ROM. Added H-88-5 Cassette interface, and H88 as a clone of the H89 [Mark Garlanger].
- harddisk_image: Use multibyte.h helpers [AJR].
Game Boy Advance Emulator - Pizza Boy GBA Pro v2.8.6 - Released
- Details
- Category: Android
What's New:
- Sound module rewritten
- Fixed bugs with network multiplayer
- Fixed bug when loading a stat
- Fixed screen capture
- Fixed cheats with strange memory offset
- Fixed detection of connected external pad
- Fixed slow audio with devices that output audio @ 44.1khz
- ....
- Handled WRITE_STORAGE_PERMISSION for android <= 8 for saving screenshots into gallery
Multiple System Emulator - WinArcadia v30.81 - Released
- Details
- Category: Windows
What's New:
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
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